

Board of Officers

QCNA is governed by an elected Board of Officers [President, Vice President, Secretary, & Treasurer]   which adhere to guidelines known as Bylaws.

Elected officials serve for a minimum of one year and may not be elected to the same position for more than four consecutive years.

Area Representatives

Area Representatives act as the primary point-of-contact between the Association and residents. They assist with welcoming new residents to the community, canvassing designated areas during the Census & Membership Drive, delivering event flyers & annual directories, and conveying area concerns to the Board of Officers. 

Island Beautification

The Island Beautification Chair coordinates the annual expenditures & maintenance to uphold the islands within the subdivision.   Resident volunteers assist the Chair through the "Adopt-an-Island" program in which they care for a designated island.  Tasks include weeding, mulching, tree trimming, & plant replacement.

Event Planning

Event Coordinators works alongside the Board to plan and execute annual events sponsored by the Association to include Spring Cleanup, Food Truck Socials, Neighborhood Garage Sale, National Night Out, Census & Membership Drive, Fall Festival and more!


The Hospitality Chair coordinates with designated area representatives to welcome new residents to the neighborhood by distributing welcome packets, inviting residents to Association events and activities, encouraging participation, and promoting a sense of community oneness.